This week's news is mostly about UPSR as the UPSR results 2017 was released during the week.
Before you read on, here are some new abbreviations you should know:
PPSR = Pelaporan Pentaksiran Sekolah Rendah (Primary School Assessment Report or PSAR)
UPSR = Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (Primary School Evaluation Test) PBD = Pentaksiran Bilik Darjah (Classroom Assessment)
PAJSK = Pentaksiran Aktivity Jasmani, Sukan dan Kokurikulum (Sports, Physical and Co-curriculum Assessment)
PPsi = Pentaksiran Psikometrik (Psychometric Assessment)
The Education Ministry has taken a new approach in announcing the UPSR results to include 3 non-academic reports:
(i) Classroom Assessment (PBD),
(ii) Sports, Physical and Co-curriculum Assessment (PAJSK) and
(iii) Psychometric Assessment (PPsi).
A No 'most straight A's', no 'best schools': Primary School Assessment Report for the UPSR results was unveiled this year. View this year's PPSR resport for UPSR 2017 candidates.
This Parent welcomed it in a posting that went viral online and picked up by an online news portal.
Interestingly, the Primary School Assessment Report (PPSR) 2017 shows an alarming number of 114,878 obese and overweight Year Six pupils.
Parents have been urged not to overload children with tuition and beginning 2018, the Ministry will go all out to enforce the one workbook/revision book for one subject for primary school ruling.
As a parent, what do you think of the new format for UPSR results?