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20 Starting School Issues Brought Up By Parents

Mumsgather Finds Team

It's been a really hectic second week of school with discussion aplenty. Let's just dive straight into some of the most popular ones this week. Here are the 21 trending topics raised by parents on our primary school FB group this week.

  1. How to deal with favouritism when selecting monitor/prefect?

  2. Is it ok if I don't allow my child to buy canteen food

  3. Bullying on 3rd day of school

  4. To go cashless or not for school recess

  5. Which students magazine to subscribe (SJKC)

  6. How long is the recess break?

  7. Which extra-curricular activities to send kids for?

  8. What type of school is preferred by parents? (Poll)

  9. Tools for teaching Mandarin yourself

  10. Should kids study at home after a long day?

  11. Update from parents in DLP schools

  12. Negative reaction to bullying and punishment

  13. Dirty and old loaned books issue

  14. What is the definition of success to a student

  15. Monitoring children using money for the first time

  16. My children keep on losing their stationery!

  17. Is it acceptable for kindy teachers to make my child cry because she can't read

  18. DLP class streaming and allocation

  19. Schooling Journey P1 - P3: A parent's view

  20. School Lunch/Recess Ideas (Photo Album)

Phew! That was a lot of topics discussed. Actually, there's a lot more than these. These are the popular ones with most comments.

Will we slow down next week or speed up?

Koay Joo Bee

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