With the first school holidays for the year 2019 almost over and our short enjoyment of it, we look forward to going back to school. The school year consists of two semesters. Each with a short mid semester break like the one we just enjoyed and a longer mid semester break. The mid semester break will be around 24th or 25th May depending on which state of Malaysia your school is located.
The next half of this semester is about 2 months long. You can expect to meet teachers during the Parent Teacher's Day which is usually carried out in the middle of the year. Some schools may differ. You can also expect your child to celebrate Teacher's Day on 16th May, 2019. For those who like to be prepared early you can visit the Teacher's Day gift discussion threads from previous years for gift ideas for teacher.
Topics discussed this week
In our primary school group - Pocket Money. When to start giving? How much a month? and What does it cover?
- Do you think Moral should be included in primary school as a subject. In our secondary school group
- Sharing of some pre-u fees from some private universities for 2019. The fees do vary quite a bit. - Moral as a subject for SPM. What the parents of secondary school students say
On our blog
- PT3 2019 project dates and guidelines for Sejarah, Geografi, ASK and RBT projects (including links to the sample format for all papers)
That's it. Enjoy the rest of your holidays!
Koay Joo Bee
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