We're glad the haze has gone away because the PT3 exams kicks off on Monday 30th September 2019 with BM 1 and BM2 papers. The exams will go right up till 8th October 2019 quickly followed by SPM Phase 1 from Oct 14 to 17 for subjects like Geography, Literature in English, Bible Knowledge, English for Science and Technology and the languages. We hope that the haze will stay away for these students to sit for their exams in peace without worry of school closures and whether there will be any postponements. Furthermore this year, the SPM papers had been brought forward in anticipation of the year-end floods in the East Coast of Malaysia so the students are on a tight examination schedule. We wish all PT3 2019 candidates all the best. Remember, gel pens and correction pens or tapes are not allowed during the examinations. Note that once your child is in secondary school, they switch from using pencils to pens for their school work. Many of them use corrective pens or tapes to correct their mistakes. However, since they are not allowed in exams, perhaps you should discourage them from being too dependent on it. Not much updates from last week as parents were mostly preoccupied with watching the API. We are happy to note that they have all come back down to healthy levels. Good luck to PT3 candidates 2019!
Koay Joo Bee
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