We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our group members, readers and followers a very Happy Deepavali 2019. May this festival of light brighten up your home with joy, love and laughter.
Happy Holidays to everyone else. The Deepavali school holidays is from 25 Oct (Fri) until 29 Oct (Tue) 2019. Berhati-hati di jalan raya. Drive safely on the road if you are travelling during this period. Speaking of driving safely, the group is talking about the viral video of the transporter stuffing kids into the car in a very dangerous manner. Parents if you are using transporters as well as buses, do talk to your kids and teach them about road safety which include wearing seat belts and being seated in a moving vehicle. Do talk to them about their transport vehicles too. Where does the vehicle stop? How many in the car? etc. Quite often we see kids standing up in buses with their heads outside the vehicle. All accidents waiting to happen. We must make it a point to educate our own kids.
There is also a discussion on "what is the current transporter monthly fee rate for distance less than 5km in your area" which is ongoing.
For those with kids starting school in 2020, the appeal results for P1 2020 is out.
As for secondary school students, in particularly the Form 5 students, they will be busy studying during this short holiday as SPM Phase 2 starts on 5th November 2019. Other dates you may be interested in are the exam results dates. UPSR 2019 results : 28 November 2019
PT3 2-10 results: 12 December 2019
Until next week, hope everyone enjoys the Deepavali break.
Koay Joo Bee
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