Next year 2020, many school children will be making big transitions.
From kindergarten to 'big school' or primary school.
From primary school to secondary school
From secondary school to higher education
Every stage is exciting and challenging. For the little ones, you may find the following popular post from previous years useful
- School Orientation experience For the older ones, we invite you to join our secondary school group to network with other parents to discuss secondary school and tertiary study issues. Congratulations to the winners who won our Big Bad Wolf VIP passes giveaway and Dictionaries Giveaway Week 3 as well as those who won tickets to Madagascar the Musical. We hope you enjoy the show this weekend. To all others, we have another 2 pending giveaways ending soon. Do join for a chance to win useful prizes for school.
- School Labels Giveaway - ending 10 Dec 2019
- Dictionaries Giveaway Week 4 - ending 11 Dec 2019
Until next week, enjoy the holidays!
Koay Joo Bee
Admin and Founder
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