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Hi, you are on this page because you are interested to share and view shared test papers from other parents. 


The test papers exchange is an exchange of test papers between parents for parents own private use. It is password protected for contributors use only. 

Since parents with kids in P1- P3 do not have any test papers to share yet, they may access the test papers bank first and share later after they have the papers. We change the password every 6 months. The next password change is in March 2020. Please keep your papers for sharing after March 2020 to have continued access to the test papers bank. Do not share before that as you will need to share new papers to get the new password. You may share assignment papers since your P1 - P3 child does not have exams.

Please go here for details:

Please go here to ask questions:

Please go here to submit papers:


Please complete the form below. This is for parents with kids in P1 - P3 only. Other parents need to share their test papers to get the password.


Mobile users who have trouble filling up the form, please go here.

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