Hello to everyone on our Test Papers Exchange. Thank you for sharing your papers with other parents and making this exchange a success. We now have 910 papers as at 9 August 2017. We have papers from SK, SJKC, SJKT and SMK too.
Parents please note that our password for the Test Papers Exchange is valid for 6 months and will be expiring next on 31st August 2017. Please re-submit your latest test papers from 1st September 2017 onward to help keep our test papers bank updated and relevant for all contributors like yourselves.
We have streamlined the test papers submission and included information to help you submit them in the required formats. You can view them on this page.
If you have any questions, please ask them on this page.
Once again, thank you and we hope we can continue to share resources to help our children.

@Low Mui Le, you have not completed the last part. Please go to thread (link can be found on the submission page) and leave a comment on our FB group so that we can verify that you are our group member. Thank you.
Hi, I have submitted 4 sets of test paper. please verify.