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This is the sister group to the Malaysia Primary And Secondary School Parents On Facebook Group which has been set up to allow parents to trade in their PRELOVED kids, education and school related stuff. This group is strictly for buying and selling only. If you have a book to giveaway or exchange, please go here:
NO SPAMMING, NO LINK DROPPING AND NO PROMOTION OF BUSINESSES on the wall or through pm. Admin has the sole discretion to delete links, remove and/or block any member without prior warning or giving any reason. If you wish to promote your services or products, please contact admin for information on how you can advertise on the sister website or blog.
Group Buys are not allowed.
Please use "Sell Something" to post and Mark Your Item as sold once your item is sold. Selling from and sharing your Facebook business pages is not allowed.
Admin reserves the right to delete any posts deemed irrelevant or inappropriate. Admin reserves the right to refuse membership or to delete and ban any member for whatever reason whatsoever.
You may trade in stuff related to education and school. Please stay focused when selling. eg. You may sell school uniforms and used concert costumes but not adult clothing. You may sell used kids study table but not your dining table. You may sell kids story books, workbooks, dvds or textbooks but you may not sell adult novels or storybooks. I think you get the idea.
Please post your items for sale MAXIMUM only 3X a day INCLUDING bumping up of posts. Extra posts will be deleted without notice.
When buying and selling please exercise care and always be safe. Arrange for delivery in groups. Request for cash first and check that the cash is not fake! Buy and sell at your own risk and as for the buyers, let buyers beware. Make sure you get what you are paying for as described. Don't pay for anything upfront if you are not familiar with the person you are dealing with.
Admin will not be held responsible for trades gone wrong.
Do report bad traders. Thank you.
Happy Trading.
You can access this group rules at any time from the right side bar of our Facebook Group under "Description" for desktop computer users or from the top of the page under "About" for mobile devices.
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