Advertising Packages
w.e.f. 1st January 2017
Explanatory Notes
Sub-page/category listing refers to the inside pages on the website eg: School Holiday Programmes Page/Enrichment Classes Page/Back To School Page. You can choose the page most relevant to you. Customer to provide vertical rectangle banner 800p x 1200p recommended size. Short blurb is written by us.
Home Page Listing refers to the home page of the website. Short blurb is written by us.
Blog Post is on our Parenting Blog or Parenting Newsletter. The post may be shared to our FB group members if relevant and useful for parents. Customer to provide information, photos/videos and horizontal rectangle banner recommended size 1200p x 630p. We will do the write-up and send you a draft for feedback before publishing
Email marketing is on our weekly email to over 4000 subscribers. We also share the newsltter to the most relevant of our FB group. Here are our email archives.
Slideshow listing is shown on the screenshots below. Customer to provide horizontal rectangle banner size 852p wide x 316p height for website slideshow and 615p wide x 250p height for blog slideshow
Social media sharing is on our social media sites including instagram, pinterest, google plus, twitter and Facebook Business Page. Facebook group sharing may be included if relevant.
Ads Rotation refers to banner change in the listings mentioned above
Premium advertisers may list different banners on different pages of the website

*3 months minimum booking required for all packages
Billing is on the entire listing period and full payment is required within one week from the billing date.
** Add-ons (For Premium Package Only)
Email Blasts - RM80/email
Social Media Sharing - RM150/share
Blog Post - RM250/post
Organize exclusive member events at client's centre - RM500/event
*** Customized Listing is available to meet advertisers social media marketing requirements and ongoing advertising campaigns