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We Are 5!

Mumsgather Finds Team

This week our first Facebook group turned 5 years old. Here's a little history about our groups.

Our Facebook group was created on 18th June 2013 with 50 invited members. At the time we were called the Malaysia Primary and Secondary School parents on Facebook. Now, we are called the Malaysia Primary School Parents On Facebook and we have over 27,500 members.

On 28 May 2015, we created our preloved group because so many members were trading on our main group, it was starting to look like spam, so we gave the members a separate place to trade in their preloved children's items. Now we have over 7,400 members trading in their preloved goods. It helps to save the environment and it is one way to live frugally.

On 3 July 2016, we created a group just for parents, to talk about things other than education and their children. We needed a place to chill and take care of ourselves so that we could take better care of our families. That's when Happy Mom Happy Dad was created. Today we have over 3800 members.

Eventually, the secondary school parents requested for a separate group and our group was split in two on 18 December 2016. We have over 2,100 members in our secondary school parents group.

We are 5 years old today. Happy Birthday to us!

Koay Joo Bee Admin and Founder Malaysia Primary School Parents On Facebook Malaysia Secondary School Parents On Facebook Malaysia Market For Children Preloved And Childrens Items

Happy Mom Happy Dad

Mumsgather Finds Website

Parenting Times Blog

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