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Getting Ready For Year-End Examinations

At the point of writing, it is 5 days to UPSR exams for the P6 students in the countdown to UPSR 2018 we created. What about the others? Judging from the increased sharing of test papers among parent contributors in our test papers exchange, we know that year-end examinations for the other levels both primary and secondary is not too far away. You can check out this thread to find out when are the year-end exams for other schools. We have just recently changed the password for the test papers bank. This is the new thread for contributors to leave a comment after they have shared their own test papers. If you have started revision, you might also like to check out this workbook for SJKC as shared by a member. The book includes translation for Chinese terms for Maths and Science. Finally, if you are still in the holiday mood and happen to be in the Klang Valley, you can check out the Jalan Alor street art. for some photo opportunity with the family. Whatever you are doing, whether staying home or going on a small trip, we wish you a happy long weekend and a very....

Happy Malaysia Day!

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