It's mid February and as with other years, the top things on parents minds around this time is registration for standard one intake. We have started a thread for parents to network and discuss the process of registration and any issues they may encounter during registration. Go here for the thread: Std 1 Registration 2020/2021 Intake. Meanwhile, here are other topics discussed this week: - Do your children still carry heavy bags to school?
You might also be interested to read what parents have to say about the new proposed developments to our education system including
We've just completed a week long festive holiday and parents are already asking about the next holiday. In case you are wondering too, the first term holiday is from 22/23 March 2019 to 30/31 March 2019
Till next week, Happy Chap Goh Meh (19 Feb 2019) to those who celebrate it.
Koay Joo Bee
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