It's almost time for Teacher's Day again. When is Teacher's Day in 2019? In Malaysia, it falls on Thursday, 16 May, 2019.
Usually schools may celebrate Teacher's Day on different days depending on their own schedule. Typically, schools usually celebrate it on the Friday before the mid term holidays which starts on 25th May this year. However, some schools have brought forward the Teacher's Day celebrations because of the start of the Ramadan month tentatively starting the evening of 5th May 2019. Confused yet? Not to worry, you can join the discussion here on the Teacher's Day changes in celebration dates. Some schools have brought forward the celebration to end of April.. Some schools have already had theirs. It is best to be prepared early. Here are some Teacher's Day gift ideas being discussed by parents right now. Other discussion this week include buying pianos, how to help kids increase their memory for spelling test and School Book Fairs - yay or nay? That wraps up our highlights for this week..
See you next week!
Koay Joo Bee
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P.S. Don't miss out on your chance to win a set of two story books from
Mohana Gill in our books giveaway for members, readers and followers here (closing date 30 April 2019)
P.P.S. Happening this weekend - Drama, Dance, Art, Science workshops and more at Sri Emas International School Open Day (27-28 April 2019)