Below are some of the current issues discussed by parents in our group this fortnight. We had a break last week as everyone was on balik kampung vacation. - What is the normal price for daycare fees?
- What to do if you think teacher has meted out an inappropriate punishment on your child? Time really flies and we are now in the second half of the schooling year. Below are some upcoming events in June to take note off.
- 16 June 2019 Father's Day
- 22 - 23 June 2019 13th Private and International School Fair in Kuala Lumpur
- 29 June 2019 Free Parents Workshop and Storytelling at British Council, The Curve (Register early to book a place as places are limited. Registration form are provided in the link) We would like to take this opportunity to wish all the Fathers in our group a very Happy Father's Day.
Koay Joo Bee
Admin and Founder
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