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Are you ready for back to school 2020 or searching for holiday programmes?

Which kind of parent are you? The kind that is very organized and plans everything way ahead? For example by now, you would have started buying or scouting around for bags, uniforms, shoes, workbooks, and be well prepared for the year 2020. Or are you still searching for school holiday programmes or researching vacation ideas? Whichever kind of parent you are, we've made your job a little easier by curating important information to speed up your search. We are still waiting for a more complete back to school promotion before listing them. In the meantime you can check our pages for the following. 1. School Holiday Programmes - we noticed that there is a move away from physical arts and crafts programmes to STEM related as well as performance arts programmes while language programmes remain strong. 2. Back to School 2020 - we've put everything together on one page for your easy reference. Parents with children starting school for the first time and going to standard one in 2020 will find this particularly useful so bookmark it! Here's another good news. Whether you are the organized type or the easy going type, we have a giveaway for all readers and parents. 5 lucky winners will win age appropriate Oxford Fajar Dictionaries for their child. Join this giveaway here. Hurry! because it ends at 11.50pm on 20th November 2019.

School holidays for public schools start on 22 or 23 November 2019 depending on which state of Malaysia you are from. Until next week,

Koay Joo Bee

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