We are right smack in the middle of second term of the academic year with no break until early September. As with regards public holidays, there is the Hari Raya Haji holidays on Monday 11 July 2022 and Awal Muharram on Saturday 20 July 2022. With school back in full swing, parents have been asking and sharing a range of questions from tuition and enrichment classes to school lockers and canteen food. Below are some of the questions raised. 1. How is the installation of school lockers coming along in schools 2. Parent recommended app for translating Mandarin to English 3. Would it be difficult to get into public university if my child is homeschooled using IGCSE syllabus 4. Should I send my children to private school if they are struggling in their BM and Chinese? 5. Which is better? Chinese tuition or enrichment classes for Chinese? 6. How does tuition and homework help in daycare centre work? 7. Which tuition environment is better? Pro academic or more relaxed? 8. What is the market rate for tuition class for Y1 and Y4? 9. Has price of canteen food gone up? 10. Enrichment classes. To persevere or drop when child loses interest? Hope this compilation of FAQs this week helps some parents facing the same issues. Koay Joo Bee
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