Back to school during a pandemic can be rather stressful. For some kids in P1 or P2, it is like starting school for the first time! The same thing goes for parents. It is like having kids start school for the first time. Not only do we have the starting school blues of making sure kids know where to wait after school for their transporters, or not drive us up the wall with lost stationery, now we also have to worry about the new normal SOPs and getting them masked up safely. On top of that we have to buy school uniforms for the little ones who always seem to outgrow their clothing so quickly as they have their growth spurts. This week we compiled a list of places you can get school uniforms online. The good news is we really are spoilt for choice. So many brands and stores! Check out the school uniforms official stores on shopee list here or read our earlier post on Wrinkle Free School Uniforms. For those who missed our previous post on how to make sure we don't get counterfeit masks, here it is again: Choosing masks for back to school. Finally, for those with preteens or teens, check out this post on Understanding Your Teenager. Stay safe! Koay Joo Bee
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