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Vaccination for kids and teens under PICK-Remaja

Writer's picture: Mumsgather FindsMumsgather Finds

Vaccination for kids and teens aged 12 - 17 has now started under PICK-Remaja. The vaccination commenced with vaccination for 16 & 17 year olds and will move up in ages, 14 & 15 and finally 12 & 13 year olds. PICK-Remaja is handled by CITF-a. Here are some important information for parents. Firstly what do the acronyms PICK and CITF stand for? PICK is the Program Imunisasi Covid-19 Kebangsaan or the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme whereas CITF-A stands for COVID-19 Immunisation Special Task Force - Adolescents. Recently there were some announcements on walk-in vaccination for teenagers which caused a little bit of confusion. Let's try to clear the confusion. PICK-Remaja is to be carried out at school PPVs (Pusat Pemberian Vaksin) ie at schools with more than 1000 students or combined for schools with fewer students. However, to expedite the vaccinations, 156 public and integrated PPV which were used for adult vaccinations were identified to be used. Some of these PPVs were scheduled to be closed in October. They are under utilized now because many adults have had their vaccinations. So why not utilize these existing PPVs and facilities for teen vaccinations!. To speed up vaccinations, teen vaccinations will now be carried out at - school PPVs - the 156 public and integrated PPVs Kids and teens in boarding schools, public schools, private or international schools should wait for scheduled appointments to be given out by their schools for vaccination at any of the PPVs mentioned above. The walk-ins at the 156 public and integrated PPVs are open only to the following teenagers 1. Teens who are not schooling at any public or private schools 2. Teens who are being homeschooled 3. Teens below 18 from IPTA/IPTS (students from higher institutes of learning) IPTA = Institut Pengajian Tinggi Awam IPTS = Institut Pengajian Tinggi Swasta This is because teens which do not attend school, homeschooled kids and students of higher learning institutions which were left out of the adult PICK because they are below 18 are not covered by any school appointments list.

Source: Ministry of Health Facebook page Here are some other important info. 1. The target is to vaccinate 60% of teens with first dose by November and 80% to be fully vaccinated before schools reopen next year. 2. Currently the vaccine used is Pfizer in 2 doses. 3. Register with MySejahtera either using kids own mobile phone or under parents phone as dependent 4. Parents must sign a consent form in duplicate and one parent/guardian is to accompany the teen to the PPV. 5. Remember to bring a pen, consent form in duplicate and I/C for both parent and child. 6. Wear school gym uniforms or other uniforms as advised by your school so that the school teachers who are on duty can easily identify you 7. Remember not to engage in strenuous exercise for a week after vaccination So stay calm, wait for your turn and most importantly, stay safe by following SOPs on vaccination day. The above information is subject to further clarification and confirmation from the authorities from time to time.

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