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10 Parenting New Year Resolutions For 2018

Out with the old and in with the new parenting approaches and attitudes.

May we welcome the new year with these

10 Parenting New Year Resolutions For 2018

  1. May we have more patience with our kids and ourselves.

  2. May we listen more and nag less

  3. May we read more with our kids and encourage them to read more, all sorts of genres, not only textbooks and workbooks

  4. May we spend more quality time with our kids, playing, talking, teaching, guiding and just loving them

  5. May we be more organized and enjoy our family routines

  6. May we stay calm and positive with our loved ones

  7. May we never stop learning as parents and guardians of our children

  8. May we practice self care, taking care of ourselves so we can better take care of our families

  9. May we be thankful and teach our kids to be happy with the little things in life

  10. May we spend more time talking to each other and less time typing on devices


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