The early years of preschool and lower primary has its own special issues and concerns for parents and this is what was mostly discussed on our platform this week.
Most talked about Preschool and Lower Primary specialized issues this week.
What to do when the daycare center forgets to pick your child up from school
Can my child start school primary school at 6 years old for early January birthdates
What to do when teacher wants to send your child for counselling without hearing them out
Need advice and feedback on Skim Simpanan Pendidikan Nasional
On the subject of child care and tuition, we have numerous threads started by parents on this topic on our Facebook group. Many are planning ahead for 2018. There are so many that it distracts from the main conversation. It also gets lost very quickly because our group is very active and discussion move down the wall very fast. We have now organized these topics into specialized forums. This will make it easier for parents and providers to find each other. The threads will also be more visible and won't get hidden. We do weekly updates on our Facebook group so that those who post in the forums will be able to continue to reach a wider audience. Please feel free to make use of these forums, collectively named Parents Helping Parents Forum.
Car Pooling and Transport Forum
Parents and Tutors Forum
In Search Of Day Care Forums.
Test Papers Exchange Bank Forum
We are coming towards the end of the year now and looking forward towards the end of final exams and vacations! We will be organizing some workshops for members of our platform. Watch out for the announcements on our Facebook group and book your space early. They are taken up very fast so don't miss a chance to book a seat for yourself or your child. See you in the group.
Koay Joo Bee Admin and Founder Malaysia Primary School Parents On Facebook Malaysia Secondary School Parents On Facebook Malaysia Market For Children Preloved And Childrens Items
P.S. Read our most popular blog post this week - Pros and Cons of Sitting for the SUEC