Parents had a long break over the long Chinese New Year weekend and many took the opportunity to travel home or go for a short holiday. Discussion was slower this week. The only thing that kept on popping up on our FB group feed were questions on registration for Standard One for 2019/2020 intake.
As with previous years, we have set up a dedicated thread for parents to discuss issues they encounter during online registration and to ask questions from other parents also doing registration as well as parents who have gone through the process.
Below are some useful links for parents doing registration for Primary One for the 2019 and 2020 intake.
Note that we have included some links which may be from previous years but may have useful information which are still relevant today. You can read them as a rough guide to give you a better idea of the process and if you still have any questions after that, go to the dedicated thread to ask parents.for the latest information.
Dedicated FB Discussion Thread To Discuss Issues During Online Registration *HOT!
How To Register For Standard One For 2019 and 2020 Intake *HOT!
The Unofficial Guide For Online Registration For Primary Schools in Selangor & Putrajaya **
Registration for Std One 2019/2020 School Forms on Requirements*HOT!
** At the point of writing, online registration was only for Selangor and Putrajaya, now online registration is required for all states in Malaysia accept Sabah, Sarawak and W.P. Labuan.
*** The Documents Required post was for an earlier intake but documents remain largely unchanged, that is why we included it here as a reference
To all parents doing registration for primary school, good luck in your school choices and enjoy the process. You have an exciting time ahead, a new phase in your parenting journey with new challenges and many wonderful moments to cherish.
Happy Registering!
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