As with previous years, the group is abuzz with discussion on the results and appeal for std 1 for the following year's intake. 180 comments on the dedicated thread we set up for the discussion on the results and appeal for std 1 2019 intake and counting. At this point of writing 179 parents received approvals while 46 did not get the schools they applied for in a poll we ran.
The group is also filled with parents seeking reviews of schools as they try to decide which school to appeal to. Other topics with high comments this week include: What type of shampoo to use for kids under 12 years old
From SJKC to Homeschooling Centre back to SJKC? Over on our Secondary group, you can check out the poll on ASK vs RBT. If your child is going to form 1, they would need to pick between one of these two subjects ie Asas Komputer Sains (ASK) or Rekabentuk dan Teknologi (RBT).
On our blog this week: FAQ on Std 1 2019 Intake Application Results and Appeal British Council Year-End Holiday Courses 2018
Time flies and it is the month of August now. We are looking forward to the school holidays and National Day holiday this month. All the best to all parents with dragon babies. Wishing you success in your application and appeals.
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P.S. Check out this month's offer for readers: Enjoy 30% OffSTABILO Exam GradeWriting Series