Registration for standard one 2019 and 2020 intake started at 10.00 am yesterday. This year online registration is nationwide with the exception of Sabah, Sarawak and W.P. Labuan. Parents had been waiting anxiously to register since 28 February 2018, it is no wonder that the server could not take the load and showed an error message even before 10 am.
By 11am many success messages started coming through from parents in our group and parents are actively engaging in discussing issues they encounter during registration including how to fill up the online form. That appears to be the main thing on parents minds this week so instead of looking back, let's look forward instead. Here's what to expect in March 2018.
First Term Exams! followed closely by.First Term School Holidays!
First Term Exams start next week for most schools. Not all schools break for exams around the same time as some schools have term tests 2 times a year while others have tests 4 times a year. Term test dates are school specific. In addition, P1 students may not be required to sit for the first tests in some schools so you need to check with your school. You would probably have received notices from schools by now anyway. You can check here for posts by parents on the dates for their school term tests if you are curious.
Oh the subject of tests, we have reset the password for our test papers bank for the next 6 months. We also added some new videos on Maths for Standard One for SJKC to help non-Chinese speaking parents guide their kids in revision.
We just had a long holiday due to Chinese New Year and now we are looking forward to holidays again. It may be a little bit disruptive but then, holidays are fun, aren't they?
The First Term School Holidays is 9 days long from 16 to 25 March for Kedah, Johor, Kelantan and Terengganu and 17 to 26 March 2018 for the rest of the country. If you are heading north, check out Penang's latest attraction, the Penang Secret Avatar Garden.
We work hard and play hard. Here's wishing you a good month ahead!
Koay Joo Bee Admin and Founder Malaysia Primary School Parents On Facebook Malaysia Secondary School Parents On Facebook Malaysia Market For Children Preloved And Childrens Items