While the rest of the parents with older kids are having a holiday, parents with kids going to Std 1 soon in 2018 are busy preparing themselves and their little ones for big school. This is apparent from the discussion topics this week in our group.
This week's topics are all about preparing for Std 1
Get cute labels for kids to organize your kids stuff. You will find that many of them lose their belongings. Labeling their stuff helps your child to recognize their items, especially when there are many instances where they are carrying the same tumblers, pencil cases and lunch boxes.
We have done a summary of the back to school shopping deals here from the major departmental stores to make it easier for you to browse brochures and plan your shopping.
If you are planning to send your child for English enrichment classes next year, you can drop by during the British Council Open Day in December.
Coding is now included in school syllabus. Expose your child to coding during the school holidays by signing them up for a free demo class.
These are some of the things you can do to get ready for std 1. Lastly, don't forget to at least have a mini holiday even as you are busy getting ready for school because once school starts, your life will pretty much revolve around school days, exams and school holidays so enjoy the holidays while you still can.
Happy Holidays!
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